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Welcome to Siri Livingston's production journal for her HL IB film short, 'Paper Cranes'. Here you can find documentation of the entire filmmaking process. Enjoy!

On the left is the final "Paper cranes" film on youtube, and on the

right is the poster we made for it. 


On this site you can find preproduction information, which is all of

the information about our planning process, including actors and locations, as well as storyboarding and the growth of the idea.


You can also take a look at "production," which is all about each individual shoot, retakes, and the fine-tuning process. 


I directed this film, which means I did the following:

  1. Found the actors.

  2. Screentested the actors. 

  3. Collected the voiceovers from the actors.

  4. Found the locations for where we filmed (apartment and dai pai dong).

  5. Wrote the script. 

  6. Organised the props and setting up of the location (ie. obtained all 200+ of the paper cranes and brought an entire suitcase of my personal items to the apartment to make it feel lived-in, created the fake mirror).

7. Collaborated on the storyboard with my editor and cinematographer.

8. Collaborated on editing with my editor and cinematographer.

9. Created the animation and the opening/ending credits. 

10. Found the musician and worked with her on making the music just right (rearranging chords etc).

11. Organised all shoots and retakes. 


As part of the IB course, I also made a trailer, which you can find (along with its planning and process) under "trailer."

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